Lindt The Season

A seasonal microsite designed to showcase all the ways in which world-renowned Lindt chocolate can be used during the winter holiday, whether that be on a wreath as decoration or in a decedent holiday dessert.

Year of completion

In collaboration with
Patrick Cameron, Developer

My role
Site Mapping
Information Architecture
UX Strategy
Visual Design
UX/UI Design
QA Testing

The Ask
  • change consumer perception of Lindt’s chocolate during their busiest time of the year – the holidays – to drive sales

The Solution
  • developed a site map and established the information architecture based on the findings uncovered during discovery
  • generated a set of templates that would inspire customers to use Lindt’s chocolate during the holidays in creative ways from gift giving, to DIY decorating to baking
  • created a visual design library that was applied to the templates, appealing to the holiday season

The Impact
  • digital and social performance targets were exceeded by 200% to 700%, with visitors spending almost 4,000 hours with the content

More White Space ©2023
Toronto, Ontario